A Rebel with a Cause
Posts: 1,778
Post by Eli on Jun 2, 2005 1:43:07 GMT -5
Here are the rules for posting links on this board:
1. You must have 2 stars (100 post level) to post a link. This is to prevent people with low post counts to use our board as advertising space, then leaving. Any links posted by members with less than 2 stars will be deleted and the member's account disabled for 1 day.
2. Keep it clean. Minimum punishment for inappropriate links is the link will be removed and your account disabled for 4 days.
3. While RPGs are welcome here, so are other kinds of links, as long as they are appropriate. And inappropriate links will be deleted, as well as action being taken on the member posting the link.
4. Any Admin or Global Mod, for any reason, without notice or reason, may delete your link if they choose to. They are also not obligated to answer to any member or Admin or Global Mod as to the reason why they have deleted your link.